Domestic Assistance

Domestic Assistance

Lifetime comfort provides the best domestic assistance care in Sydney to assist the disabled individuals enabling them live independently and perform daily activities.

Domestic services we offer

Daily chores can be exhausting even for a healthy person. A cluttered and untidy home doesn’t only affect the physical health of a disabled person but also disturbs their emotional health. That’s why we have devised our domestic assistance services after consulting with the experts to cater the needs of physical and mental well-being.

House-keeping Service

This service includes home upkeep and daily chores. Professional cleaners perform this job to maintain a neat and clean home. Housekeeping service in Sydney encompasses routine tasks such as mopping, dusting, making beds, laundry, meal preparation, and home organization. 

End of Tenancy Service

Lifetime Comfort understands the need for a clean home and its importance for your loved ones. It includes extensive cleaning of the home such as carpet cleaning, roof cleaning and curtain cleaning. We adhere to a strict cleaning checklist and have onboarded highly efficient workers for this purpose.

Deep Cleaning Service

It’s near to impossible for disabled people to do deep cleaning of their homes. However, they are the ones who need it the most. Luckily, we have included it in our list of domestic services in Sydney.

Benefits you will get

Lifetime Comfort understands the need for a clean home and its importance for your loved ones. It includes extensive cleaning of the home such as carpet cleaning, roof cleaning and curtain cleaning. We adhere to a strict cleaning checklist and have onboarded highly efficient workers for this purpose.

Peace of mind

Lifetime Comfort understands the need for a clean home and its importance for your loved ones. It includes extensive cleaning of the home such as carpet cleaning, roof cleaning and curtain cleaning. We adhere to a strict cleaning checklist and have onboarded highly efficient workers for this purpose.

Emotional Well-being

The limited mobility of the physically challenged people takes a toll on their mental health. Our trained domestic staff assists with household chores  according to their preferences, providing them with the sense of independence and helping them to live without the burden of daily tasks.

Better Quality of Life

The domestic service of Lifetime Comfort is designed to enhance the quality of life of our clients. The physical assistance, emotional support, and the companionship provided by our housekeeping staff leads to improvement in their overall well-being.

Reasons to choose our Domestic Service

Lifetime Comfort understands the need for a clean home and its importance for your loved ones. It includes extensive cleaning of the home such as carpet cleaning, roof cleaning and curtain cleaning. We adhere to a strict cleaning checklist and have onboarded highly efficient workers for this purpose.

Skilled Staff

Our aged care workers and domestic staff are highly skilled and well trained for their roles. We provide them with the right equipment, training, and guidance to work with the elderly people. Regular skill update is mandatory to ensure high performance.

Safety First

The security of our clients is crucial for us. Our entire staff undergoes  police and reference checks. We make sure they don’t have any health issues, mental illness, or any crime record.

Personality Match

Australia is home to different cultures and races. We train our staff to respect the choices and cultures of everyone. We ask clients to share their preferences regarding language, gender, and culture to ensure maximum comfort and ease. 

Don't know which service you need?

We are here to help! Lifetime Comfort experts check your NIDS plan, discuss your preference, mobility challenge, and mental health before suggesting a plan to you. You can also get the personalized plan that meets your needs

Give us a call

Book An Appointment Today

Are you searching for the best domestic service near you? Look no further! Book an appointment today and discuss your case with our experts. You can also call us or visit our office to meet our domestic workers and choose the ones which suit your needs.

What our customers say about us

“My mother loves to spend time with the househelp (Nancy). She always praises her patience level and the way she does her laundry.”
Maria Jacob
“Being a super independent woman during my whole life, it was heartbreaking to be dependent on someone at this ripe age. Lifetime Comfort helped me to never compromise over my dignity and independence.”
Jessica John