Disability Accommodation

High Physical Support

This service is ideal for people with permanent disabilities who require assistance. It includes assistive communication technologies, door supports, and modifications to the bathroom and kitchen to improve mobility. It’s the best solution for long term improvements.

Improved Livability

The people having intellectual, sensory, and cognitive disability can opt for this specialist disability service. By incorporating visual and auditory aid, safety alarms, grab bars can help them improve their lifestyle. Similarly, implementing calendars and reminders in the home can improve the mental health of people requiring improved livability.

Fully Accessibility

It’s one of the most recognized Specialist Disability Accommodation (SDA) plans in Sydney, designed for people living with severe physical impairments. This plan includes installing wide doorways and making significant changes in the bathroom, bedrooms, and kitchen to ensure wheelchair accessibility.

– Ensure comfort on roads with our trained caregivers
– Effortless and independent travel with comfort

– Ensure comfort on roads with our trained caregivers
– Effortless and independent travel with comfort

– Specialized care and therapies to support individuals with disabilities and chronic disease
– Support services provided in their own homes